Noah and Belén had a cool opportunity to fly in a commuter plane a on June 22 as p
art of a promotional event for a local aviation club to get kids interested in aviation. We got up early Saturday morning so that they could make their flight before we left for Safford. The kids were excited for the opportunity and Noah was especially excited because he was going to be able to fly the plane. They flew for 15 minutes over Show Low. They took three kids per plane ride so the kids we able to ride together and another little boy went along. Their flight was memorable for many reasons, including the little guy screaming, “We’re gonna crash!” and the tower making sure with the pilot that they were ok. Having headsets on they were able to hear from the tower too! Made for a great memory and really getting to see what flying is all about.
Here is what they had to say about their trip:
Really like my ride. I especially liked climbing up into the air. All the buildings looked like Lego buildings from the window too. The best part of all though was I got to drive! Mr. Fernau had me sit up front by him and I got to help him drive the plane!! I rode with my sister and another little boy we had never met before. My sister and I had fun but boy was the other boy loud!
Riding in the airplane was fun and exciting! Wal-Mart looked like a white platform and Show Low Lake looked like a Barbie pool. I liked that the houses looked like doll houses too. I had a lot of fun and wish that I could go again and stay up longer! Thanks Mr. Fernau!
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Good Job Noah and Belén Glad you guys enjoyed the flight!
Good Job Noah and Belén Glad you guys enjoyed the flight!