We are happy to announce that for the duration of our wait for a visa to live in Spain we will be the guest ministers at Safford Church of God.
In April we were approached by the head of the Church Of God in Arizona Bishop Thompson and he asked us if we would be willing to fill in at the local church in Safford. We were pleased with the invitation and we prayed about it and after about 4 weeks of consideration we let them know that we would be honored to serve them in that capacity.
Starting in June we began visiting the church each weekend, preaching and ministering to the small congregation there. Last week we made the announcement that we would be joining them as guest ministers and support for as long as God has us here in Arizona. This Sunday we will be making a formal public announcement.
We will be helping out with preaching and ministry as well as helping the church with some outreach, teaching and children’s ministry. We will also be helping the church leadership organize and begin to take the steps toward healing the body and finding a new pastor to lead the church in what God has for them. You know, what we always do :)!
We will be building a website for the church here in the near future as well as hopefully starting a podcast of the sermons. We will be posting articles based on the sermon series that we preach while we are there so be on the look out for those as well as some audio from the messages.
Please pray with us as we travel each weekend to Safford to minister and pray with the church leaders and the overseers Brother David and Sister Jane Escalate.
[…] Knowing we will be here a while longer we have partnered with a church in Safford Arizona to help support them in ministry. You can read more about that here. […]
This is awesome guys! Congrats 🙂
This is awesome guys! Congrats 🙂